Friday, September 10, 2010

Great Night of Flathead Fishing

Shelby's 33 lb Flat.
Well I got a call from Matt S. About 5pm last night asking if i wanted to go fishing I said sure but we needed to go get bait. So we went to the creek an got three 5"-7" chubs and about 15-20 greeines and left to head up to the lake.

Got to the lake about 9pm and were in our first spot by about 9:25pm or so. matt baited up with the biggest chub and thru it out then while i was trying to tie up a bobber on his rod he was looking around and said shelby where is my bobber I said you got a fish and he reeled in a new PB 8lb flat. Then a little while later after we moved down the bank line he had another new PB Flat of 10lbs. I was like man why are all the fish biting the back of the boat.

Matt's new PB flatheads 8 lbs and 10 lbs.
Then about 12:45am or so I landed a 5lb flat and about 15-20mins later my pole with a 5" chub took off really hard and fast I was using a 2" Fat Kat Bobber too I thought he was a bigger channel until I felt him and he started pulling the boat around and would not come up for nothing finally I got him up close enough for matt to get the net under him. I thought he was 40lbs at first glance got him on the scale and he read 33lbs even a New PB Flat for me I was shaking he fought the hardest of any fish I have ever caught man what a fight but that what it's all about the fight got some pics takin thanks to the great net and camera man and set him free to be caught another day.

So I thought we had a very good night with 4 flats in the boat. Thanks again Matt S. for taking me out on the boat and we will have to do it again sometime.

All fish were caught on Kat bobbers.

Thanks to Shelby for the pics and story!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on an awesome night of fishing guys! I am wishing I wouldnt have went to bed at 9 lol!
