Friday, September 10, 2010

Mike's Massive Personal Best Flathead

66 pound flathead
Finally got my dream fish Today on the Kaw River.Wasnt really planning on hitting the river 2day but i didnt have anything else to do so i was like what the hell.Called a couple of people to see if they wanted to go but everyone was at work.So i headed out and got to the River around 11 p.m.

Found a new spot on the Misssouri that i found last week on Google Maps but didnt catch anything the night i fished it.Deceided to give it another try Today with some sunfish instead of Carp.I wasnt expecting to do any good in the day time as i never really catch anything.Used live bait for about an hour with no bites.Decided to put a Kat Bobber out with a 8oz No Roll with my biggest Sunfish.After and hour, still no bite.Cut his head off and put it under the Bobber and a hour later around 1:30 i heard my clicker slowly going off.Got up and started reeling in real fast and he went crazy.Made a coupe of hard runs taking drag and i couldn't get him from off the bottom for nothing.Finally he made a really hard run and came up.Had a hell of a time trying to get him out the water by myself but i got him in.This fish was very stout with a huge belly and humped head.

You would have thought i won the lottery the way i was jumping up and down screaming.Called my buddy Justin to come take some pics for me.Good thing he was close.I held it in the water till he got their and he had plenty of energy left.He swimmed off so i think he will be all right.

I was having a really slow year but this makes up for all them looooong nights night catching nothing.
Photos and story courtesy of Mike a.k.a KansasKatCatcher.